
  • Sustainability or the future
  • Carbon footprint
  • Recycling
  • CSR Policy
  • Environmental and biodiversity conservation
  • Local community

Sustainability for the future 

GALEN is fully supporting the idea of exploiting the benefits of nature and using them to improve the external and internal appearance of man. The company accept the code of ethics as an integral part of the cycle of existence.
By using the good practices available today, GALEN takes responsibility for achieving a clean, environmental-friendly, and ethical way of life.
Today, the use of energy from renewable sources is a reality for the company and we have a clear vision of how to use natural resources without harming the surrounding flora and fauna.
GALEN is proud of its own production site of 6 hectares at the foot of the "Sredna Gora" мountain. The site is a typical example of an industrial enterprise, the appearance of which resembles a well-maintained natural parc.

Carbon footprint

The use of renewable energy sources to reduce the amount of CO2 generated is a major part of the company's policies to achieve sustainable activities.
The first step to reduce the carbon footprint was to build photovoltaic power plant, which covers 100% of the maximum consumption of the production plant.
Second step in the company's plans is the realization of a project for extracting heat from renewable sources.
The transportation of the company's employees is also included among the factors that accumulate a positive carbon footprint and reduction of the pollution of the air. The company will provide employees with electrical vehicles electricity that is produced from renewable sources.

CSR policy

Through the established social responsibility policy, GALEN is committed to complying with a pre-set and approved action plan.
Over the years, GALEN has successfully implemented several quality systems to manage and monitor the company's growth and development. For this purpose, the company initiated several projects for studies of the current state - the amount of generated greenhouse gases and carbon footprint and the state of biological diversity in the area of the production site in the village of Zelenikovo.
The company sets many lofty goals for itself – carbon neutrality and building a sustainable business between itself and its suppliers. For this purpose, funds have been set aside, which GALEN invests with direct payments to raw material suppliers who are committed to the environmentally friendly management model.
In 2023, GALEN underwent an audit by an external organization to establish responsibility in the extraction of flower from the Rosa Damascena plant. As a result, GALEN suppliers located on 180 hectares have been confirmed as a responsible source of raw material.

Environmental and biodiversity conservation

Our commitment is to transform our production site a better place to live by determining critical ecosystem elements is fundamental to habitat improvement.
Afforestation is stated in our sustainability plan, with our goal being to reforest areas that cover 20% of the company's carbon footprint.
Setting up wildlife feeders is another aspect of our impact on the wild environment around us. In addition, the company natural limits are, for the bigger pat, a forest area.


GALEN is recycling the used materials in the following directions:

  • Use of waste materials for steam generation. The measure aims to minimize the carbon footprint generated by production.
  • Composting of waste materials and their application to improve the soil structure.
  • All product packaging offered by the company is 100% recyclable.
  • GALEN is committed to collecting separately all the waste it generates and handing it over for recycling.

Local Community

GALEN has full commitment to the local community and population by supporting and developing initiatives that will help improve the quality of life in the municipality. Takes active participation and cooperation with local organizations to achieve common welfare.
Creating partnerships and maintaining an open dialogue with the local community are essential for the successful development of the region.
GALEN is committed to supporting initiatives from a socio-cultural aspect in the municipality of Brezovo, allocating both financial and human resources.
The home for children deprived of parental care takes the role of the most sensitive institution in the region, receiving the main monthly support in the form of financial and material assistance, which serves as immediate support for their needs.