The origin of lavender essential oil:

Although lavender is native to Mediterranean countries, it can be found growing all over the world. In fact, Bulgaria is known to be the world's largest producer of lavender today.

Bulgarian Lavender essential oil provides a variety of applications that can be used in the development of new, innovative products for improvement of mental health and promoting calming and relaxation effects.

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Short summary description of the oil 

  • Categories/Mainstream: Essential oils
  • Scientific Name: Lavandula angustifolia
  • Botanical Source: Lavandula angustifolia
  • Extraction Method: Steam distillation
  • H.S code: 33012979
  • CAS number: 8000-28-0
  • EC number: 289-995-2
  • Scent: Character, fresh floral, resembling the smell of blooming inflorescences
  • Country of origin: Bulgaria

The origin of lavender essential oil

Although lavender is native to Mediterranean countries, it can be found growing all over the world. In fact, Bulgaria is known to be the world's largest producer of lavender today.

Technological process

Lavender essential oil is a natural essential oil that is extracted from the lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia). 

The most common way to produce lavender essential oil is through steam distillation. Water vapor wets the raw material, breaking down the cell of the essential oil reservoir. Providing the opportunity for this interaction, the essential oil and water vapor form an azeotropic mixture, inducing the release of the essential oil. The resulting mixture of water and oil condenses and cools. It undergoes physical separation by utilizing the difference in densities between the two components. The product undergoes a two-stage filtration process, ensuring its purity. The final product is placed in barrels that comply with the requirements for storing food products.

Certification and standardisation

  • Organic product certification
  • Produced according to GMP of cosmetic regulations.
  • Produced according to FSSC 22000 – food ingredient.
  • Produced according to ICH Q7 – Active pharmaceutical ingredient. 

Properties text

Lavender essential oil provides a variety of applications that can be utilized in the development of new, innovative products aimed at improving mental health and promoting relaxation. Additionally, its impact on viruses represents another interesting aspect of the diverse effects of this natural product. Substituting more toxic mosquito repellents with lavender essential oil provides an opportunity to influence even the youngest consumers.

Central Nervous System (CNS)

The impact on the central nervous system is outlined in a scientific study (Mueller et al., 2020), comparing the anxiolytic properties of lavender oil with widely used medications such as diazepam and pregabalin. The ability of lavender essential oil to reduce anxiety can manifest not only through oral consumption but also through inhalation (Shaw et al., 2007). In this context, a comparison is made with diazepam, which is widely employed.

The action of lavender essential oil affects the NMDA receptor (Lopez et al., 2017). N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDA) are located in the central nervous system as connections between neurons. These receptors are essentially ion channels that open when stimulated by neurotransmitters like glutamate or glycine, allowing calcium or sodium to enter the neuron. Glutamate and glycine are amino acids that enable neurons to send signals to each other or to other tissues. Activation of this glutamate receptor has an excitatory effect on the central nervous system. Well-known antagonists of NMDA receptors include ketamine and memantine. This property of lavender oil, influencing the CNS, opens possibilities for safer treatment of depressive conditions, as the substances commonly used tend to induce narcotic dependence and additional side effects.

Antiviral Properties

Lavender essential oil demonstrates its ability to hinder the virus's membrane, subsequently masking viral compounds and inhibiting a specific process in the replication cycle. Therefore, it prevents the spread of viral cells. Compounds in the essential oil can also act synergistically with traditional antiviral drugs. Numerous results show that lavender essential oil impedes free viruses by masking viral proteins or modifying the structure of the viral envelope, crucial for the virus's entry into host cells. Moreover, it has been observed that lavender oil exhibits a significant reduction in the infectivity of the virus. The strong antiviral action is achieved by rendering free viral particles inactive, and action on viral particles is usually the most common mechanism of action (Abou Baker et al., 2021).

Repellent Action

Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia) possesses repellent properties, as demonstrated in several studies (Jaenson et al., 2006). Supporting this claim (Shooshtari et al., 2012) is the fact that the essential oil has a clearly pronounced mosquito-repelling effect. It is effectively used as an anti-mosquito agent with a safer effect than traditionally used active substances.

The potential for use as an insecticide is supported by the following study (Al-Harbi et al., 2021). This study suggests its use against specific pests affecting grain crops, especially during storage. With the clear measures imposed by the EU regarding the reduction of pesticides used, this essential oil emerges as an interesting ingredient in the fight against this negatively impacting insect on crops.

Unexpected Possibilities

The possibilities offered by lavender essential oil as a potential agent for reducing hair loss and stimulating hair growth are discussed in a joint study by universities in South Korea (Lee et al., 2015). Although the potential is not fully researched and proven in the treatment of human hair, this approach represents an innovative perspective for addressing the widespread issue of hair loss.

Main chemical constituents:


The primary component of lavender essential oil that is responsible to its potential anti-anxiety and sedative effects.

Linalyl acetate

A major component that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Beta caryophyllene

A compound with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can contribute to the pain-relieving effects of lavender essential oil.


A substance that exhibits antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The substance has been studied for its ability to break down bacterial biofilm.

Main properties and usage

  • Aromatherapy: proven effect to deliver relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety
  • Improving sleep quality: can help promote better sleep and relaxation
  • Immune support: can support overall health, including immune function
  • Allergies: thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties
  • Skin care: a popular choice in skin care due to its soothing and calming properties – acne, scars, sunburns, eczema, psoriasis, anti-age effect
  • Candle making: thanks to its soothing properties
  • Hair care: for its potential to promote hair growth and reduce dandruff and itching
  • Soap making: due to its soothing and aromatic properties
  • Topical pain relief: may help alleviate minor aches and pains when applied topically
  • Respiratory health: may help relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions such as congestion and sinusitis
  • Insect repellent: can act as a natural insect repellent
  • Room freshener: can be used in diffusers or homemade room sprays to freshen the air
  • Wound care: thanks to its antiseptic properties make it useful for minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises
  • Headache relief: relief from headaches and migraines by inhaling the scent of lavender oil 
  • Emotional balance: thanks to the uplifting scent can improve mood and promote relaxation.
  • Allergies: thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties
  • Candle making: a top choice for scent with calming properties
  • Culinary use: it’s often used in desserts, teas, and beverages
  • Drawer sachets: cotton balls soaked in lavender oil in drawers or closets to keep clothes smelling fresh
  • Pet care: can be used as a natural flea and tick repellent for pets
  • Agriculture and gardening: can be used as a natural pest repellent for gardens and crops 
  • Hospitality and tourism: lavender sprays can be used on linens and towels to enhance the guest experience.

Physicochemical characteristics

Indicators Characteristics and norms
Appearance clear, easily mobile liquid
Color Pale Yellow
Odor Typical of lavender
Relative density, kg/dm3 0,879 – 0,888


Name of components - GC – MS/ FID Norm,%
3-Octanone 0.2 – 1.6
Limonene Max. 0.6
β –Phellandrene Max. 0.6
CIS-β-Ocimene 3.0 – 9.0
TRANS-β-Ocimene 2.0 - 5.0
Linalool 22.0 – 34.0
Camphor Max. 0.6
Lavandulol Min. 0.3
Terpinene-4-ol 2.0 – 5.0
α-Terpineol 0.8 – 2.0
Lynalyl acetate 30.0 - 42.0
Lavandulol acetate 2.0 – 5.0