The origin of juniper berry essential oil:

The essential oil is obtained from well-ripened fruits of the plant Juniperus Communis, which naturally occur in high-altitude areas in all mountains located on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Bulgarian juniper berry oil is calming intestinal convulsions, detoxifies the stomach and helping stomach ulcers.

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Short summary description of the oil 

  • Categories/Mainstream: Essential oils
  • Scientific Name: Juniperus communis
  • Botanical Source: Juniperus communis
  • Extraction Method: water-steam distillation
  • H.S code : 33012949
  • CAS number: 8002-68-4; Alternative CAS number: 73049-62-4
  • EC number: 282-007-0
  • Scent: fresh, woody, slightly sweet with a hint of pine and citrus notes
  • Country of origin: Bulgaria

The origin of juniper berry essential oil

The essential oil is obtained from the well-ripened fruits of the Juniperus communis plant, which naturally grows in high-altitude areas across all mountain ranges in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Technological process

The pre-ground juniper berries are placed in a distiller, and direct steam is passed through them. The distillation process is carried out for a specific period, after which water is added, and the distillation is repeated. The resulting distillation waters undergo physical separation, during which the essential oil is extracted. The final product is filtered twice and packaged in containers suitable for food purposes.

Certification and standartisation

  • Organic product certification
  • Produced according to ISO 9001:2015 and GMP of cosmetic regulations.
  • Produced according to FSSC 22000 – food ingredient.
  • Produced according to ICH Q7 – Active pharmaceutical ingredient.


General Uses

Juniper is widely used for landscaping and is renowned as an ornamental plant with various applications in landscape design [McKeon et al., 2015]. It aids digestion by calming intestinal convulsions and detoxifying the stomach, benefiting conditions like stomach ulcers. Ingested juniper is effective against stomach swelling, acidity, intestinal disorders, loss of appetite, worms, bloating, and various gastrointestinal infections. Applied topically, juniper is used to treat skin conditions such as spots, pimples, warts, athlete’s foot, and psoriasis. Its antimicrobial properties make it beneficial for treating skin injuries and snakebites [Glišić et al., 2007]. Juniper essential oil enhances blood circulation and detoxifies the blood, making it valuable in treating arthritis and gout caused by circulatory issues [Jarić et al., 2007]. It also acts as a diuretic, promoting regular and increased urination, which is beneficial for conditions involving excess water retention and inflammation due to renal failure. Juniper essential oil is also used for weight loss, aiding in the removal of water and fats from the body, thereby contributing to the reduction of blood pressure [Angioni et al., 2003]. For arthritis, juniper extract is used in massages to alleviate joint swelling and pain, providing relief for muscle spasms and cramps. Additionally, it is used in aromatherapy to relieve stress and anxiety, helping to relax the body [Damjanovic et al., 2003].

Pharmacological Uses

Juniperus communis exhibits significant pharmacological activities, particularly in healing skin conditions, and demonstrates antibiotic, antiseptic, and antimicrobial properties. Its essential oil is a powerful antioxidant, combating free radicals and showing insulin-like effects in managing diabetes [De Marino et al., 2014].

Antioxidant Activity

Juniperus communis acts as an antioxidant, scavenging various free radicals and inhibiting oxidation reactions in yeast cells. It contains over eighty antioxidant compounds [De Marino et al., 2014].

Anti-Septic Activity

The essential oil exhibits strong antiseptic properties, acting as a cleansing agent against fungi and bacteria. It is effective in treating skin conditions and respiratory disorders [Modnicki et al., 2009].

Anti-Inflammatory Activity

Juniperus communis functions as an anti-inflammatory agent, with α-pinene playing a key role in inhibiting abnormal cell production and preventing tissue remodeling [Han et al., 2017].

Anti-Diabetic Activity

Juniper oil enhances insulin sensitivity, improves glucose utilization, and has shown benefits in lowering blood glucose levels. It is considered effective in managing diabetes and may serve as an adjunct to insulin therapy [Orhan et al., 2012].

Main chemical constituents


natural organic compound found associated with potential health benefits, such as anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator properties. Research also suggests its antimicrobial, cognitive, analgesic, antioxidant, and potential anti-cancer effects, though further studies are needed for a comprehensive understanding.


offers potential health benefits such as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It is also being researched for its possible roles in stress relief, gastrointestinal health, and even anti-cancer effects, making it of interest in various aspects of wellness.


potentially anti-inflammatory properties that can be used in arthritis, as it also possesses analgesic effects.


potential health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Sabinene may contribute to overall wellness by exhibiting anti-microbial effects, supporting respiratory health, and offering relief from oxidative stress. Additionally, its pleasant aroma makes it a popular choice in aromatherapy, where it is believed to have calming and stress-relieving effects.

Main properties and usage

  • Aromatherapy: A popular choice in aromatherapy due to its pleasant scent.
  • Reduces Oxidative Stress: Contains antioxidants that combat free radicals, potentially reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.
  • Kidney and Urinary Tract Health: With its diuretic properties, it helps promote the elimination of toxins and excess fluids from the body.
  • Respiratory Health: Assists in easing respiratory issues such as congestion, coughs, and bronchitis.
  • Muscle and Joint Pain Relief: Effective in relieving muscle aches and joint pain.
  • Skin Care: Its astringent properties make it beneficial for oily and acne-prone skin.
  • Mental Clarity: Its calming aroma can reduce stress and anxiety, promoting mental clarity.
  • Digestive Support: Stimulates digestive enzymes, aiding in the breakdown and absorption of proteins, fats, and nutrients from food.
  • Relaxant and Sleep Aid: The scent offers emotional support, reducing physical and emotional signs of stress.
  • Perfumery and Fragrance Industry: Used in various perfume compositions.
  • Cellulite Reduction: May help reduce the appearance of cellulite due to active components like α-pinene, sabinene, and juniperene.
  • Insect Repellent: The scent may naturally repel insects such as mosquitoes.
  • Household Cleaner: Its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties make it effective in killing bacteria.
  • Culinary Use: Adds flavor to dishes, particularly in European cuisine.
  • Flavor Enhancer: Key ingredient in making gin, drinks, bitters, and sauces.


Physicochemical characteristics

Indicators Characteristics and norms
Appearance Easy mobile, colourless to yellowish liquid
Odor Characteristic
Relative density, kg/dm3 0.857 - 0.876
"Identity Thin-Layer Chromatography" Pass the test
Refractive index 1.471 to 1.483
Optical rotation − 15° to − 0.5°
Peroxide value Max 20
Fatty oils and resinified essential oils Pass the test


Name of components - GC – MS/ FID Norm,%
α-Pinene 20 - 50
Sabinene < 20
Beta Pinene 1 - 12
β-Myrcene 1 - 35
α–Phellandrene < 1,0
D-Limonene 2- 12
Terpinene-4-ol 0.5 –10
N – Bornil acetate < 2,0
Caryophyllene < 7,0